
Does the Bible really teach the Trinity?

The Trinity in the Bible

1, The Plural noun Elohim.
The most common name for God in Hebrew is Elohim. The word means God and is sometimes used for false gods. In Genesis 1 The word is used of the One true God yet the name is plural indicating that the name signifies more than singularity.

2. The Plural words used with Elohim
The second evidence for plurality in the godhead is the verbs used in relation to the Name Elohim. Normally when Elohim is used of the one true God the verb is singular. However this is contrary to Hebrew grammar. The verb must agree with the noun in gender and number. Normally the verb is singular yet there are very many notable exceptions and this opens the discussion as to the plurality of the Godhead.

In Gen 35 for example the Hebrew reads – ‘For there God revealed themselves’.

In 2 Sam 7v23 the literal Hebrew reads – ‘For God went them to redeem’.

In Psa 58v11b the literal Hebrew is – ‘There is a God they judge’.

3. The Noun Elohim is applied to two persons.
Sometimes the name Elohim is used to apply to two different persons in the same passage.

In Psa 45v6-7 In this passage the name Elohim is applied to two persons. He says that one Elohim has anointed another Elohim with the oil of gladness. The second Elohim is the God of the first Elohim. It is Gods God who anointed him.

In Hosea 1v7 In this passage Elohim says that he will save his people by another person also called Elohim.

4. The name YHVH is applied to two separate persons.

Here the personal name of God YHVH or Jehovah is applied to twp persons in different locations.

In Gen 19v24 In this verse Jehovah (number one) rains fire and brimstone from Jehovah (number two) who is in heaven.

In Zechariah 2v8-9 In this verse Jehovah (number one) is the speaker and he says he is being sent to accomplish a task by Jehovah (number two)

5. The plural name Adonai

This word means Lord. However when ever it is used of God it is plural. The singular term is never used of God. This is evidence of a plurality in the Godhead.

6. The Plural pronouns.

Plural pronouns are used of God thus indicating plurality in the Godhead.

In Gen 1v26a God says let US make man in OUR image after our likeness.

In Gen 3v22a Jehovah God said, Behold, the man is become as one of US.

In Gen 11v7a God says Come let US go down…

In Isa 6v8a And l heard the voice of the LORD saying Whom shall l send and who will go for US?

Notice that it starts in the singular and ends in the plural.

The singular shows that God is one but the plurality shows that within the oneness there is more than one.

7. The Plural adjectives.

The plural nouns in English were Hebrew plural adjectives.

In Josh 24v19 The passage says ‘holy God’. The word holy is plural. Literally it reads ‘holy Gods’.

In Psa 149v2 Literally the passage says – ‘let Israel rejoice in his Makers’.

In Ecc 12v1 Literally the Hebrew is ‘Your creators’.

The English translations do not pick up on these differences yet they are clear in the Hebrew.

In Isa 54v5 We have two examples. In Hebrew it reads ‘Your makers are your husbands’. Both maker and husband are plural.

All of these verses emphasis the plurality of the Godhead.

8. The Angel of Jehovah.

Through out the OT we have introduced the Angel of the Lord and the Angel of Jehovah. The word angel means messenger and can refer to human or angelic messengers, however the word is also used of God himself. The context always makes itself clear when the angel is God himself.

In Gen 16v7-14 He is called the Angel of the Jehovah in v 7,9,11 But in v13 He is called Jehovah himself.

In Gen 22v9-13 He is called the Angel of the Jehovah in v11, 15 but in v12 he is called God and in v16 he is called Jehovah.

In Gen 31v11-13 He is called the angel of God in v11 but in v13 He says, ‘I Am the God of Bethel’.

In Gen 32v24-30 In v24 the angel is called a man, (because that is how he appeared) but in v28 he is referred to as God. and in v30 Jacob says ‘I have seen God face to face’.

So the person who appeared to Jacob is firstly called a man and then later an angel of the Lord and then afterward God himself.

In Exo 3v1-5 In v2 We have the angel of the lord but in v 4 He is called Jehovah and God.

In Judg 2v1 States that the exodus was brought about by the angel of Jehovah but in Exo 19v4 it says that God was responsible.

Now l could go on and on but it is clear that in the Godhead there is both singularity and plurality. The Jews could never understand this and they had huge debates on the subject. It becomes much clearer with the personal coming of Christ and the NT.

It is interesting to me that Arianism and Oneness Pentecostalism are similar as Red is to Violet - they are opposite ends of a spectrum.

The Arians believe there is One God and that person is the Father.
The Oneness P's believe there is one God and that person is Christ.

The Arians deny Deity to Christ and the Holy Spirit
The Oneness P's deny The Deity to The Father and the Holy Spirit

Both are Unitarian and Monotheistic Heresies.

The Scriptures teach clearly that - The Father is God, the Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God.

See Matt 3v16-17 Where three persons are mentioned who all are God.

See Matt 28v19 Again three distinct persons are mentioned. No less than three and no more than three. the Word Name is singular yet there are three persons here.

See John 14v16-17 Again three distinct persons. One is the speaker he says 'I' this is Christ. The person that he prays to is the Father. And he speaks about the promise to send a third person who is not himself or his Father the Holy Spirit.

See 1 Cor 12v4-6 Again three persons are mentioned yet all three are the source of the gifts to the church, the Spirit of God, The Lord (Christ), and God (the Father). All three are distinct persons yet they all do exactly the same thing to the same people at the same time. This can only be so if the three are actually One.

2 Cor 13v14 Notice the three persons here Only three - no more than three and no less than three. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father and the communion of the Holy Spirit.
Now whereas previously all three do the same thing here the three do different things. Previously the emphasis is on unity but now it is diversity.

1 Peter 1v2 In this last example we have described three persons again. No more than three and no less than three. God the Father who is responsible for Foreknowledge. The Spirit who is responsible for sanctification. And the Son Jesus Christ who alone is responsible for shedding his blood for the sins of the whole world.

From these passages it is clear that there are three persons called God, No more than three and no less than three.

These three persons all have the Divine Attributes

The Father Psa 90v2
The Son Micah 5v2 - Matt 2v5-6
The Spirit Heb 9v14

The Father 1 Pet 1v5
The Son Heb 1v3
The Spirit Rom 15v19

The Father Jer 17v10
The Son Joh 16v30, 21v17 Rev 2v23
The Spirit 1 Cor 2v10-11

The Father Jer 23v24
The Son Mat 18v20 28v20
The Spirit Psa 139v7-10

The Creation of the universe
The Father Psa 102v25
The Son Joh 1v3 Col 1v16
The Spirit Gen 1v2 Job 26v13

The Creation of Man
The Father Gen 2v7
The Son Col 1v16
The Spirit Job 33v4

The Work of Inspiration
The Father 2 Tim 3v16
The Son 1 Pet 1v10-11
The Spirit 2 Pet 1v21

The Bible teaches three great truths

1. The Plurality of the Godhead. as opposed to Unitarianism or Monotheism
2. The Unity of the Godhead. as opposed to Polytheism
3. The Trinity of the Godhead. the plurality of persons in the one God. Limited to three no more than three and none less than three persons. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit.

Lastly in John 1v1 we have an interesting construction which says…
In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was WITH GOD and the WORD WAS God.

Now that is impossible – unless the WORD is both separate to God and yet united to God at the same time.

This is what trinity teaching is Christ is separate to the Father and the Spirit. Distinct and not to be confused. He is WITH GOD. Yet it also says The WORD WAS GOD. Christ is God fully There is no three separate Gods there is One God, but three persons in that Unity.


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